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Popular Articles by Tag
- License registration for users with serial numbers, obtained after Feb 19, 2019. (Article is in documentation, not KB.)
- Legacy - License activation for users with legacy, two-line activation keys, obtained before Feb 20, 2019
- Legacy - Automated installation for users with legacy, two-line activation keys
- All tagged licensing
- Allow C/C++ files with a non-standard extension
- Share VA Snippets among users
- All tagged configuration
- Resolve a performance problem with Visual Assist
- Resolve out-of-memory crashes of Visual Studio
- All tagged performance
Fonts and Colors
- Show multi-byte characters in source files
- Font for italic symbols in Visual Assist
- All tagged fontsAndColors
- Visual Assist inactive after installation or missing from IDE
- Prevent Visual Studio notification and automatic installation of updates
- All tagged installation
Troubleshooting Visual Assist